Seven seconds. That's how long you have to make a good first impression to prospective clients or employers. In 2022, that first impression is most likely going to happen online. Is your In 2022, those first impressions happen online. What will people remember about your Linkedin profile after only seven seconds?
Today Tucker is joined by Stefan Huyge, globalization industry observer and reporter, Vice President of Translation at Communicaid Language Solutions Inc, and author of "The Era of Localization Influencers is here: Word-of-Mout Marketing in the Language Industry," in the February issue of MultiLingual Magazine. Stefan is an active community organizer and industry cheerleader on Linkedin and he is here to share his success and failures on the platform.
As a rough outline, we will be going straight to the source, and responding to the 20 most important things that Linkedin itself says we should be doing in 2022 to optimize our influence and grow our networks. While we recommend you check out the original article yourself (, we would also encourage you to check out the conversation...
As you will soon find out from Stefan and Tucker, some things on that list should be prioritized over others.... and some are just a plain waste of time.
About Nimdzi Live: There is a shadow industry driving the growth of ALL global brands: Localization. Let’s talk globalization, localization, translation, interpretation, language, and culture, with an emphasis on how it affects your business, whether you have a scrappy start-up or are working in a top global brand.
Would you like to be a guest on Nimdzi Live? Or you know somebody who should? DM Tucker or reach out to [email protected] so we can coordinate!
Music used in this stream is fully licensed by Nimdzi Insights: Wasted Education (Blue Topaz): Adobe Stock License ASLC-1212CEAC-21B4264EF6 Grifting in Vegas (Kit and the Calltones): Adobe Stock License ASLC-1212CF4A-72A527808F Funky Mood: ASLC-12AFE84A-5ED0E7C577 Way out of sight: ASLC-12AFE8AA-7C4063CA04 Get Up and Get Up: ASLC-12AFE8F6-C367C2DA8E Real Stuff: ASLC-12AFE922-DA2CAF25FF Beauty Funky: ASLC-12AFE95F-A5D43CB15F Spanish Rumba: ASLC-12AFE9EB-02CE1C7C30 May I Have This One: ASLC-12AFEA0C-58238F80C0 Zimbabwe Sunset: ASLC-12F3E80C-400E160240 Speaking of Africa: ASLC-12F3E9AE-91F3F49CAF
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