Latest Episodes

Analyzing Trump’s English-Only Executive Order (feat. Carol Velandia Prado)
Now that President Trump has officially signed the Executive Order designating English as the official language of the United States, the full text of...

What Trump’s English-Only Executive Order Means for Language Access feat. Dr. Bill Rivers
In this special episode, we sit down with Dr. Bill Rivers, leading expert on U.S. language policy, to break down the implications of Trump’s...

Authentic Entrepreneurship (feat. Joshua Monge)
Entrepreneurship is a journey that often requires skills and mindsets we weren’t taught growing up. In this episode of Nimdzi LIVE!, Joshua Monge shares...

L10n in the Age of AI: Building Web 3.0 Products feat. Mohamed 'Mo' Ly
In today’s dizzyingly fast digital landscape, where AI-powered solutions and LLM-driven products are the norm, success hinges on mastering how to operationalize, productize, and...

Navigating Trust: AI and Medical Interpretation with Jenny, Cesar and Gio
Dive into the evolving role of artificial intelligence in medical interpretation with Jenny Esno, Cesar Palacio, and Giovanna Lester. Together, they explore how AI...

An Atlas of Endangered Alphabets - New book by Tim Brookes
More than 85% of the world's writing systems are threatened and with them the entire written record of their culture of origin. How does...