The art of improvement feat. Loy Searle

Episode 93 September 02, 2023 00:57:43
The art of improvement feat. Loy Searle
Nimdzi LIVE!
The art of improvement feat. Loy Searle

Sep 02 2023 | 00:57:43


Show Notes

Loy Searle has navigated the intricate landscape of localization and is excited to share her expertise with you. During this live session, Loy will delve into the following crucial areas that often pose challenges to localization professionals:
Defining your strategy
Finding your quick wins
Getting funding/budget,
Building the right peer partnerships,
Engagement as a core team skill,
Enabling scalability.

This event is a golden opportunity to learn from Loy Searle's wealth of experience and expertise. Get actionable insights that will drive your localization efforts to new heights.

About Loy: Loy’s been a globalization and content industry leader for 20+ years. Her teams pioneered single-sourcing content strategies in the ERP industry and built extraordinary integrated global CMS/terminology solutions. At Google, she led Global Production and Language Services. Her focus was speed @ scale - turning language quality around while shortening the time to market. At Intuit, her team built a scalable globalization and innovative content foundation to support market expansion. At Deluxe, her team transformed their practice to support the Entertainment industry’s digital transformation. As past President of Women in Localization and previous board member for many years, Loy is committed to the localization industry and the advancement of women within it. Today at Workday, Loy’s team is building a Localization and Globalization CoE to scale and support the company’s expansion goals.

About Nimdzi LIVE: A shadow industry is driving the growth of ALL global brands: Localization. Let’s talk globalization, localization, translation, interpretation, language, and culture, emphasizing how it affects your business, whether you have a scrappy start-up or are working in a top global brand.

Would you like to be a guest on Nimdzi Live? Or do you know somebody who should? Email [email protected] or reach out to [email protected] so we can coordinate!

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