If you are not registered for #LocWorldWide46 Africa, don't worry. THere's still time. Today on Nimdzi LIVE! we talk with Localization World's Anne-Marie Colliander Lind with a free preview of the events to come. Don't miss out.
A sneak peek of what LocWorldWide46 Africa offers: Multiple tracks of informative sessions from seasoned professionals, with opportunities for questions and answers. Recordings of sessions will be available to attendees after the conference ends. Networking opportunities to allow attendees to meet each other and create relationships that are beneficial both professionally and personally. A Solutions Square filled with interpreting and translation service providers as well as tool and technology companies, all there to help you reach a global audience. As an online conference, the opportunity to attend from your chair, with no travel needed.
Background: LocWorld is the conference for people who want to take their products and services to customers in other countries and cultures. It brings together language service and technology suppliers with clients who can then work together to successfully reach international markets. In existence since 2003, this is the 46th LocWorld conference.
About Nimdzi Live: There is a shadow industry driving the growth of ALL global brands: Localization. Let’s talk globalization, localization, translation, interpretation, language, and culture, with an emphasis on how it affects your business, whether you have a scrappy start-up or are working in a top global brand.
Music used in this stream is fully licensed by Nimdzi Insights: Wasted Education (Blue Topaz): Adobe Stock License ASLC-1212CEAC-21B4264EF6 Grifting in Vegas (Kit and the Calltones): Adobe Stock License ASLC-1212CF4A-72A527808F Funky Mood: ASLC-12AFE84A-5ED0E7C577 Way out of sight: ASLC-12AFE8AA-7C4063CA04 Get Up and Get Up: ASLC-12AFE8F6-C367C2DA8E Real Stuff: ASLC-12AFE922-DA2CAF25FF Beauty Funky: ASLC-12AFE95F-A5D43CB15F Spanish Rumba: ASLC-12AFE9EB-02CE1C7C30 May I Have This One: ASLC-12AFEA0C-58238F80C0 Zimbabwe Sunset: ASLC-12F3E80C-400E160240 Speaking of Africa: ASLC-12F3E9AE-91F3F49CAF
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